Sunday, 9 January 2011

things of remarkable gravity presented in a list with no particular order

if i go ahead and commit facebook suicide, as i've been urging others to do for near on a month now (with little to no success), i will not get invited to any social events anymore. nor will anyone come to my social events unless i use 'ye olde telephone' or 'ye olde emaile'.

i am my only follower on my web log.

it has come to my attention that everybody is walking around with little black flat screened boxes that they look at incessantly. these thing connect the person to facebook at all times and strengthen their dependency and increase their insatiable appetite to share useless and trivial information with everyone they know via their facebook feed.

one of my good friends (who i shall not name) seems to be spending a disconcerting amount of time searching for youtube clips of people crying and blabbering over celebrity slander to share with people on facebook.

many people seem to have changed their profile pictures on facebook to pictures of themselves in the act of getting married, or completely replaced themselves altogether in favour of their newly acquired progeny. these people seem to have become so deeply involved in facebook that they have forgotten that they themselves have an identity.

many people are having babies/and/or/getting married.

many people don't seem to know how to use the words "lend" and "borrow" and use either one indiscriminately.

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